Three ways to transform your relationships.
Imago Workshops:
Discover the transformational power of Imago™ workshops.
Imago Relational Therapy is a highly effective form of relationship and couples therapy that has positively affected thousands of couples around the world.
In a culture that confuses vulnerability with weakness, and prioritizes external markers of success over true intimacy, we can lose touch with our authentic selves, and relationships can become strained.
It is possible to have the closeness and intimacy you long for and the emotional resilience to bring your full self to every relationship. The Imago Relational method is recognized worldwide. Imago takes a relational, rather than an individual, problem-solving approach. Imago’s collaborative approach often takes fewer sessions than other forms of therapy to uncover the root problems and patterns fueling most conflict and disconnection, whether it is within a couple, family, or organization.
I am currently holding virtual, live (not recorded videos or webinars) workshops to enable couples to attend easily and safely from anywhere. Generally, these workshops are two, four, or five consecutive Saturdays varying in times from start to finish each day.
The next session starts on April 25th, 2025…Click here to sign up now!

Imago Intensives:
Interested in doing the deeper relational work of couples therapy, but want to see results sooner than weekly therapy allows? Has divorce come up in conversations with your partner, or are you considering it?
Intensives can be likened to a private Workshop designed for one couple or any romantic relational design, plus additional therapy. Designed for couples who need more immediate attention, are in a crisis, or just don’t want to be in a workshop with other couples. If combining the focused time on your relationship, the depth of what we can unpack together during this time, with learning impeccable communication skills sounds good to you, a couple’s intensive might be a good fit for you and your partner.
An intensive is the equivalent of three months of couples therapy, so the price averages out to be roughly the same as weekly therapy. Intensives are self-pay only (not covered by insurance).
Similar to the multi-couple Workshops, Intensives are virtual, live (not recorded videos or webinars) personalized, immersive time to enable couples to attend easily and safely from anywhere. Generally, Intensives are one, two, four, or five consecutive Saturdays varying in times from start to finish each day. Times and dates are tailored both to the clinician’s availability and the participant’s needs.
Please call (484-802-5250) or click to inquire here for a free phone consultation about Intensives.
Private Couples Therapy:
If you prefer, we can work on an ongoing basis in conventional, private couples therapy.
This could precede or be a follow-up to a Workshop.